Why does my back hurt and how to treat it?

Recurring or persistent back pain affects about 80% of the world's population. The problem occurs more often in women. This symptom is called paralysis. It is so common because of the constant high stress on the lumbar spine. He is subjected to pressures ranging from 50 kg (in the supine position) to 220 kg if he is sitting down. The problem indicates a lifestyle deviation or serious illness. With age, it worsens and can lead to patient disability.

Low back pain

Physiological causes of pain

Discomfort in the form of pain is the body's defense response. So he reacts to various "abnormal" internal processes, which doctors call pathology. The body hurts in an uncomfortable position and, after exertion, tells the brain that it is difficult to complete the task.

An uncomfortable position

Prolonged low back pain causes inconvenience. The problem worries drivers and office workers, as they spend a lot of time sitting, when the lower back is under maximum stress. A person has back pain from fatigue. If he does something for a long time in a crouching position.

Back pain after sleeping if the sleeping area is poorly equipped. For example, the surface of the bed is too hard or too soft to adequately support the spine and quality muscle relaxation.

Increase load

Muscles and ligaments can be painful in the back. They support the spine in a stable position and undergo stress with intense physical exertion. Conditions for the appearance of pain arise with sudden movements, accompanied by muscle tension in the lumbar region. This happens if a person carries weights, pulls weights, and raises and lowers (the "half" bend).

Muscles can also be strained during sports. If a person exercises a lot, his ligaments need time to recover. Without good rest, they wear out or become inflamed, which is the signal of the nervous system by pain.

Women's back pain

The problem of low back pain is very common among women, as the beautiful half of humanity regularly experiences them under certain conditions. Menstrual cramps are often accompanied by discomfort in the lower back and sacrum. This is not related to increased stress, but rather a consequence of the production of prostaglandins (pain mediators). Before and during menstruation, the synthesis of mediators causes hormonal changesLower back pain in girls during pregnancyin the female body.

Lower back pain in girls during pregnancy (95% of pregnant women). It is not only the spine that is subjected to great stress outside of pregnancy. The pressure on the lower back increases many times as a woman's weight increases. The additional load is created by the pregnant belly. It pulls the body of the expectant mother forward, changing the distribution of axial loads. Therefore, the woman's gait changes, the low back pain appears, the intensity increases gradually with the time of pregnancy. The load is increased in any position of the expectant mother, so proper rest, lying on a quality mattress is extremely important to relieve the woman's condition.


Discomfort often occurs in people who do not play sports or do not lift heavy objects. This is due to the weakening of the musculature. Back muscles must be strong to be able to support the spine and relieve stress from it. If this doesn't happen, the bone and cartilage tissue wears down more quickly, with pain.

Structural Abnormalities

The spine is formed by a skeleton of bone tissue - the vertebrae. Between them are "layers" of soft cartilage tissue - vertebral discs. Vertebrae provide strength and stability, cartilage - flexibility and elasticity of the spine. The main structural element is hollow in the center. The canal is filled with the spinal cord. All components are covered by blood vessels, nerve fibers. Pathologies in any element of the lumbar spine cause paralysis.

Bone tumor

The disease develops when the cartilage discs wear down. Due to heavy lifting, lumbar discs are often damaged. The most common causes of severe lower back pain are protrusion (recession) and herniation (damage and protrusion) of the disc, in which the nerve roots of the spine are compressed. Osteochondrosis affects people over the age of 35. The disease is especially common in the elderly.


The lumbar spine is considered the strongest because it forms the main "axis" for the entire human body. However, with falls and sudden movements, the vertebrae of this part are most often injured. Most spine fractures and bruises are localized precisely in the lower back.

Blood vessel damage

The vessels provide nutrition to all tissues of the spine. If their lumens narrow or overlap, nutritional processes in the spine will deteriorate radically. As a result, inflammation occurs, which is always manifested by a sensation of pain.


Nerve fibers can be damaged by any damage to the cartilage and vertebrae, in the case of infectious diseases. Any disease of the nerves come with a shot glass and sometimes back pain can not tolerate.

Osteoporosis causes back pain in the lumbar region

Bone disorder

Osteoporosis leads to calcium washout and brittle bones. If vertebral tissue is depleted, there is an increased risk of serious back injury. In addition, osteoporosis can change the shape of the bones of the spine and increase pressure on nerve roots.

Another cause of pain is tumors in the vertebrae. The most common type is hemangioma. These benign tumors grow asymptomatically for a long time, but when the tumor becomes too large and extends beyond the vertebrae, the person will experience severe pain.

Inflammatory process

Arthritis can affect any joint in the body. Inflammation leads to joint damage and pain. It can be triggered by chronic infectious diseases and advanced. Another cause of arthritis is autoimmune damage to the connective tissues.

Internal affairs

The lower back can be painful not only due to diseases of the spine. Pain related to the pathology of the internal organs or some systemic diseases can cause the lumbar region.

Internal organs

Back pain is associated with kidney damage. Renal colic is accompanied by sharp and sharp pain in one or both sides of the back. More often, it is felt just below the ribs at the back of the body.

Low back discomfort is often caused by intestinal diseases, with inflammation of the pelvic organs (bladder, prostate - in men, ovaries and uterus - in women).

Whole body disease

Psoriasis and ankylosing spondylitis lead to low back pain. With these diseases, violations occur in the structure of the connective tissue (cartilage). It loses its elasticity and is therefore often inflamed. Over time, a significant disturbance in the functioning of the joints occurs and the nerve endings experience persistent compression (impairment). With ankylosing spondylitis, the disc spaces "harden".

Lower back pain can cause herpes zoster. The rash with this disease appears on the shoulder blades, ribs, but most often - on the lateral surface of the trunk in the lumbar region. The first pain appears before significant changes in the skin. When a blistering rash appears, discomfort increases, accompanied by itching. Even after the pimples disappear completely, a person still experiences severe pain along the inflamed nerves. They can bother the patient for several months.


Malignant lesions of the spinal cord and bone did not initially alter the patient's condition. As the tumor grows and atypical cells spread in the structure of organs and tissues, changes occur in which nerves are affected. This is manifested by severe pain. Discomfort in the lower back is not only when the lumbar spine is injured, but also if the tumor grows in the internal organs, which are surrounded by nerve ganglia from this part.

Nervous disorders

Lower back pain can be an illusion (or in other words, a patient invention). This happens with neuropsychiatric disorders. Psyche does not work properly against the background of prolonged shocks, stress, psycho-emotional stress. Discomfort can arise if a person spreads illness, overworks himself. Such signs appear for the first time after a depression or a nervous breakdown and can bother the patient for many years.

How to get rid of low back pain?

If discomfort is felt in the lower back, the patient should get enough rest, reducing the intensity of the load. As a rule, after a good rest, unpleasant sensations lessen or disappear completely. This is a typical symptom of pain caused by improper lifestyle and poor quality rest. If the pain persists, you should think about seeing a doctor.

The nature of back pain is diagnosed by traumatologists, chiropractors, orthopedists. You can contact any of the professionals listed. At the first consultation, the doctor will interview the patient, examine the patient, conduct some tests (check the sensitivity of the nerves, the condition of the muscles). If a diagnosis cannot be made based on the information received, an additional examination will be scheduled. To evaluate the condition of bone tissue, X-rays are prescribed. The structure of cartilage, nerves, the condition of blood vessels, and the spinal cord can be assessed by MRI. If the physician suspects a systemic disease, the patient is assigned laboratory diagnoses (general and biochemical blood and urine tests). Only after an accurate diagnosis can a specialist prescribe a method of treatment.

Drug treatment

The list of drugs depends entirely on the diagnosis. To quickly eliminate symptoms, patients will be prescribed a short course of pain relievers (usually of the NSAID class). With strong inflammatory and autoimmune changes, glucocorticoid drugs are prescribed. For diseases of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are recommended in the form of injections or tablets. If you have a problem with your muscles, you should take a muscle relaxer. To restore the work of nerve endings, vitamin B is prescribed.

Treatment is directed at the cause of the pain. If the cause is a disease of the internal organs, drug treatment corrects disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and genitals. Symptoms should disappear when the underlying disease is eliminated. With unbearable pain, a nerve blockade is performed (analgesia is injected directly into the regions of the nerve roots).

To enhance the effect of injections or pills, external pain relievers (patches, ointments, gels) may be prescribed. Such drugs can be used independently of recurrent episodes of low back pain caused by stress or increased stress. To alleviate the condition, you can use pepper plaster or menthol. They are also allowed to be used without a doctor's prescription.


For low back pain, a specialist can recommend special treatments. These include acupuncture, electrotherapy, ultrasound, and ultraviolet light therapy. In some cases, physical therapy exercises and massage are indicated. If the vertebrae are displaced, the help of a chiropractor may be needed to put the bones back into place. All procedures must be selected in conjunction with the physician. Treatment by direct impact on the spine is not allowed without diagnosing the disease. In this case, the procedure can be not only useless, but also harmful to the patient.

To prevent back pain, you need to monitor your spine health from a young age. It is important to apply the force on the back correctly (lifting objects while squatting and not bending, pushing heavy objects and not pulling them towards you). You should engage in moderate physical activity and choose exercises with a trainer. It is also important to treat infectious diseases in a timely manner, avoid stress, and take medications appropriately and as prescribed by a doctor.