Why does back pain happen?

Back pain is a symptom of more than 20 diseases. These are diseases of the heart and nerves. To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a neurologist, cardiologist, pass a number of tests and undergo examinations. Once the diagnosis is established, treatment should be started immediately, as delay may aggravate the situation.

Back pain can occur in the spine, below the fibula, below the ribs, and in the lumbar region.

upper back pain

Pain in the spine also has a different localization:

  • neck pain;
  • chest;
  • back-ache;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • pain in the tailbone.

Pain may be localized or diffuse to the extremities, below the shoulder blades, up the shoulder.

The patients characterized their pain as stinging, shooting, stabbing, and toasting. This mainly refers to pain in the chest and lower back.

Causes of back pain

With many spinal conditions and pinched nerves, the back can be painful. But these diseases often and for a long time do not make themselves feel. Pain occurs in cases of agitation, in which the disease seems to awaken from hibernation. Then you need to take painkillers and self-treat.

Cause of pain

  1. Muscle tension for a long time.
  2. Severe physical overload.
  3. Stretching the body position does not change. A person sits or stands for a long time, without changing the position of the body, without warming up.
  4. Spinal cord injury.
  5. Lower body temperature.

What contributes to back pain?

  • rachiocampsis;
  • little physical activity;
  • lifting the wrong weight;
  • improper furniture causes discomfort to the spine;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Diseases that cause back pain

  1. Osteoarthritis of the spine.
  2. Myositis of the muscles of the spine.
  3. Nerve pain.
  4. Osteoarthritis in the lumbar region.

Symptoms of back pain

back pain spreading to shoulder

Osteoarthritis of the spine

This is inflammation of the intervertebral discs, in which their deformation occurs.

Painful osteonecrosis, which does not allow physical activity for a long time. Pain gradually subsides and reappears in uncomfortable cases. In severe cases, a herniated disc develops. Back pain gets worse. The patient is temporarily unable to work.

Myositis of the muscle fibers in the back

The pain increases with deep breathing or movement. It happens that pain does not allow a person to fall asleep. Sometimes the temperature rises slightly, the patient shivers. The painful muscle thickens and is painful to palpation.

Intercostal neuralgia

It causes constant aches and pains. The pain is worse when the person takes a deep breath, sneezes, or coughs. The pain seemed to shoot up the spine, radiating between the ribs. When palpated, the muscles are not tense, but painful. Along with intercostal neuralgia, the pain occurs due to angina attacks and myocardial infarction. In this case, the pain spreads to the heart.


With ankylosing spondylitis, pain may appear in the legs or gluteal muscles. Muscle spasms occur. The pain is interrupted by shooting pains. With such intense pain, the patient cannot move but just sit still.

During a nerve attack, he became paralyzed from shock. This happens when the pain can have a numbing, burning, or tingling sensation. People call this condition low back pain.

How to treat back pain caused by spinal diseases?

  1. When in pain, the patient needs to move as little as possible.
  2. Sleep on a soft, firm mattress.
  3. Take anti-inflammatory drugs, they are released in the form of tablets and ampoules. For severe pain, injections are given. Ointment should not only be applied to the painful site of the dislocation, but also to the surrounding tissues. Ointments containing bee or snake venom should be applied only to the painful area.
  4. Preparations have a warming effect. They improve blood circulation and relieve pain. The use of mustard putty also helps.
  5. Physiotherapy procedures such as electrophoresis and assisted ultrasound. Sometimes acupuncture is used.
  6. For severe back pain caused by sciatica or neuralgia, analgesics are taken. Or they blockade novocaine.
  7. Vitamin B is prescribed as an injection. Then you can take the medicine.

Back pain is caused by diseases of internal organs. An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor with a thorough examination.

How to treat low back pain in remission:

  • special exercises;
  • orderly mode of work and rest;
  • unacceptable physical weight;
  • physical therapy;
  • treatment in a sanatorium;
  • the use of B vitamins. They improve nutrition in inflamed tissues and relieve them.
  • the use of anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • With spinal hernia, surgery is sometimes indicated in the neurosurgery department.

Which disease is easier to prevent than to cure? To avoid diseases of the spine, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Monitor your posture
  2. Do not lift heavy objects.
  3. Live an active lifestyle.